Holding the Dream of the World is one of the ways the ancient shamans kept the dream of the world alive, in good terms, in good order.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

back in kathmandu

it's been so long.. i've been writing in my other book and i guess with the internet being often dicey i forget to post.. i forget what day it is really.
i wrote the following yesterday:
Finding myself back at my Nepali family home looking out my bedroom window at the neighbors house, mostly painted pale yellow with a swath of concrete down the middle of the building like a cake that found it's center without icing
My sweet room was waiting, clean sheets and freshly swept floor that is now littered with what is left of my belongings.. most of which are on their way to america with Star.
I will finally relieve myself of this huge red suitcase that while it has been a trusy friend containing all i have with me materially, it's soon to find a new home with Krishna who will fill it with pashmina and silk to sell in the us. to pay his way there and money for the orphans. I'm happy to relinquish this red zippered friend i call the refrigerator ( originally the term sukima used for her gigantic suitcase she showed up with in St. John) as it is huge and has a hard time finding it's way down the riverbed streets.. a cripple really not so different than those i've given bananas and money. they also can't seem to find a better way to get along in the world.
My red refrig suitcas has been lumbered by 2 of us at a time to our resting place for a few days and then had a vacation there, standing strong in a corner till my return from a week long journey with star, whereupon it found itself flanked between star's legs on the back of a motorbike, practically crushing the driver.. it was a miracle they made it back to the monastery without either getting killed or killing someone else..

Star bless her sweet heart b ought 29 pairs of shoes for the children at one of the orphanages who start at a new and better school in april.. most of these children never really had a pair of shoes before.. it was a glorious time passing those out and watching them carefully put them on and then put them back in their plastic and cardboard box.. not to get them dirty.. our hearts broke continuously that day as their home is pitiful.. i'll send pics along.. all cement, now going to hav e toilet and windows.. metal frame beds.. ugh.. so i'll be working on getting paint and cleaning it up while i'm here.
i'm also waiting to hear if i can work with Aama Bombo, having her teach me Tibetan Shamanism..i'll know tomorrow.. if so i'll stay here till march 21.. getting some schooling and doing more work on the orphanage and hopefully building some worm bins for compost.
now i'm working on our webpage more writing.. it's great to help in some way.
The people are brillant hearts and all the new extended family is a treasure..Im back on the motorcycle, my fav.. and going to do more networking.
Star was great and inspired me to get more body work even though you could hear us both groaning in the Shiatsu rooms and frankly i thought at one point either he'd break my back by both of us falling off the table as he lifted me into the air with his knees (He was half my size), god only knows how that happened or while he was whipping my neck around.. of course after it was all over he mentioned i was tight in my back and neck.. hey bud, i was lucky to walk out of there.. but we all laughed about it and i'm sure i'll be up for another torture/healing session before i leave..
Of course there's endless political unrest and since it changes daily..not point in really going over it again.. it's a source of constant conversation out here.. and quite a few people are much more in touch with US politics than i am at this time
I'm more used to the dust, dirt and insanity or life in nepal as they say, and star got us a room at the raddison before she left and we paid for krishna, kamila and rama to stay a night and we're all still talking about the availablitly of hot water... such small pleasures..
many blessings,.. om shanti, shanti,

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